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Friday 22 April 2011

Penultimate Day

Had a decent end to sobriety today. Pool at the Common Room, watched Leicester's tight defeat at Forest, and then sat in the Old Monk watching snooker on the big screen in Tudor Square. Addam's of course, refused to take any money, so the Tenner I owe him is being put to SASS in his name - cheers Adds!

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Saturday 16 April 2011


Seem to have missed out on this blog for a bit.  Well, managed Loren & Ben's wedding fairly well, but was helpful that I was running around like a blue-arsed fly most of the time!  Certainly focuses the mind on not boozing!

Out tonight with Jen, Addam and Chris.  Don't think they've ever seen me sober!?  Oh well, Harley, more places, then Leadmill - ought to be a laugh.  Will be good not getting drunk anyway, as I need to get up in the morning to watch the Chinese GP!

Working as a Census Collector at the moment as well.  My areas are West Street and Kelham Island, or, bars, bars, nice bars and real pubs...  It's a challenge I can say that!

Still, all going well so-far, and only a fortnight to go.  Can't wait!

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