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Friday 22 April 2011

Penultimate Day

Had a decent end to sobriety today. Pool at the Common Room, watched Leicester's tight defeat at Forest, and then sat in the Old Monk watching snooker on the big screen in Tudor Square. Addam's of course, refused to take any money, so the Tenner I owe him is being put to SASS in his name - cheers Adds!

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Saturday 16 April 2011


Seem to have missed out on this blog for a bit.  Well, managed Loren & Ben's wedding fairly well, but was helpful that I was running around like a blue-arsed fly most of the time!  Certainly focuses the mind on not boozing!

Out tonight with Jen, Addam and Chris.  Don't think they've ever seen me sober!?  Oh well, Harley, more places, then Leadmill - ought to be a laugh.  Will be good not getting drunk anyway, as I need to get up in the morning to watch the Chinese GP!

Working as a Census Collector at the moment as well.  My areas are West Street and Kelham Island, or, bars, bars, nice bars and real pubs...  It's a challenge I can say that!

Still, all going well so-far, and only a fortnight to go.  Can't wait!

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Thursday 17 March 2011


Don't forget why I'm doing this - for SASS, so please do give generously!

Well, wedding, singular, for now.

Saturday was Helen and Adam's wedding (photos here by the way), the next major test of my sobriety.  Have to say, it was really very odd.  basically, I just felt like a lemon who couldn't dance, which probably means I can't dance, but I'm normally too pissed to care!  The main difference I noticed was that I do still get annoyed by drunk people bumping into me, but now my brain can work quickly enough to stop me before I turn around and lamp someone!

Again, the major debate here is what to have instead of alcohol, although in many ways, this issue actually arises less frequently than in a pub, so perhaps a wedding is easier?  OK, sitting at the table having a meal with bottles of wine everywhere (and everyone drinking them) whilst sipping mineral water was really quite odd, but once the meal is over, there's no need  for a drink.  In a bar, one enters the premises, orders a drink, and sits down.  The session is then punctuated at regular intervals by "anyway, it's your round", "want another one pal?" or similar phrases every time someone's drink reduces to one-third its starting volume.  Weddings have no issue, you dance, and then get something when you're thirsty.  It's far more like a nightclub.

Following Saturday's pleasantries, we headed back home via Crookes, and watch the Calcutta Cup match with Austin, and some large frozen pizzas.  Again, an occasion of possible drinking, but with Jen driving, beer wasn't even mentioned.  All good!

Off tonight to see Drenge at the Washington.  Should be a good night - I'm almost getting used to this sober thing!

Please though, give generously.

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Friday 11 March 2011

Not a Mess & Beer Festivals

Cool, so a quick curry and a half pint of Pepsi, and no mess in sight!   So, a very pleasant curry in the Wetherspoons, then a quick dart back to Kristina's to pick up my camera which she'd taken home by mistake last Saturday, then home in time to watch Skins.  

Curry and a pint for £5.29 is bloody good, but when you remove your pint of beer and add in a half of Pepsi, it suddenly seems like less of a deal!  Weirder still, I think it's probably the first time in about thirteen years (half my life) that I have entered a licensed premises and not bought an alcoholic drink.  I have to say, I didn't feel that I needed a drink, but it was quite tempting to take a gulp of Kristina's beer so I didn't spill it as I carried it from the bar.

Wetherspoons Beer FestivalThen of course, the first thing I see as I enter the bar, is that poster (right) for a massive real ale and cider festival.  Typical, I stop boozing, and all the good booze rocks up to the local bars! Still, I guess that there'll be a lot of tests during my sobriety .  This beer festival, Helen's wedding this weekend and Loren's on 26th, Nat's birthday coming up next weekend and Sheffield Tiger's first meet this Thursday.  I just have to remember why I'm doing this - to raise money for SASS, and to prove the Reluctant Vegetarian wrong ;), and of course, for myself.  They'll be plenty of time for the rest of my life to get fucked at festivals have a nice ale at a beer festival, wankered at weddings enjoy a post-nuptial tipple, paralytic at parties celebrate special occasions and drunk in the day sip cocktails at lunchtime.  It's only forty days of my life.

Pass the Pepsi!

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Thursday 10 March 2011

sobriety sucks

Brevity is, I feel, the daughter of tram-blogging, so brief I shall be...

So,doing well. Lent only started yesterday, and I've already been invited out for a curry and a pint. What's worse, Kristina's invited me out, and our post-work Wetherspoon Curry Thursdays often got fairly messy (not as messy as our Friday or Saturdays,but hey). It'll be weird being out with her sober. Maybe I'll realise she's actually a horrible person? I'd be surprised, though!

I've been thinking... How about if every time I go out, I add an extra £5 to the pot myself? I'd be easily saving myself more than that anyway, so I may as well chuck it in? We'll see how often I go out his Lent - I've already got three weekends and this and next Thursday planned, could get expensive.

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Thursday 3 February 2011

Another email, and £100 pledged!

Thanks to everyone for the help and support so-far, and especially from Josie and Michael at SASS. I shall hopefully be meeting them this week or next to sort out leaflets/flyers etc.

I have received pledges now totalling £90, and there's already £10 in my Justgiving account who Mr James Goodhew.  Thanks pal - won't let you down! :)

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Sunday 30 January 2011

Lovely Helpful Advice

A handy link, courtesy of Roy.

Should be helpful...


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Friday 21 January 2011

Charitable Response

Had a lovely couple of emails today from SASS.  They've said that not only would they be happy to accept my donations, they would also be able to post my just giving page (and this blog) on their front page, they can sort me out with a visit to see some of the work that they do, and they may even be able to help me publicise my efforts with the Sheffield Telegraph!

Emails transcribed below:


From: Josie Soutar
To: Lewis Skinner
Subject: RE: Sponsorship
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 10:03:59 -0000

Hi Lewis

Thank you so much for your email and thinking of us. What a great idea for not only Lent but also for really getting into the spirit of Easter and giving something back. I also think it’s a really interesting angle because even if you aren’t drinking at a problematic level it’s surprising how difficult it is to stay absent for a relatively short period.

We are happy to help where we can and I think coming in and visiting us would definitely help you to understand some of the issues that effects people with severe alcohol problems. You might have seen on our website that we run a thing called the Alcohol Recovery Community (ARC) that is all about helping people to rebuild their lives without alcohol as that is the long-term challenge. As part of this we run peer support groups and I’m sure they would be happy for you to come in and speak to them about their own struggles. Obviously if you used any of this on your blog then we would need to make sure names etc. were changed to protect confidentiality.

On the publicity front we have a couple of contacts with the local press (one being my dad who works for the Sheffield Telegraph). We’re happy to pass you email contacts once you’re up and running. Also there is a national blog site around substance misuse (http://wiredin.org.uk/) who we have close links with and would be happy to speak with them about getting your blog featured. We have our own just giving so make sure your page is linked up to that (http://www.justgiving.com/Charity/Donate.aspx?cid=190008)

Anyway, lots of room for thought and once again thank you for supporting us. Feel free to give me a ring if you need anything else such as fliers etc.

Kind regards and good luck with your abstinence! (I’m vegetarian so your girlfriends plight seems pretty straight forward to me)

Josie Soutar
Business Development Manager
(Address & phone no supplied)


From:     Michael Ng
To:     Lewis Skinner
Subject:     RE: Sponsorship
Date:     Fri, 21 Jan 2011 10:30:29 -0000
Mailer:     Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.5



Josie passed your email onto me, I’m in charge of the SASS website and would like to link your blog to our site.

I’d like put you blog on the front page and link to your blog, but also on our donate page we could place a link to you blog, doing this method mean they would go to your page to read your blog and also use your links to donate so you can track.

If there is additional social media you would like us to advertise i.e twitter etc let me know how I can help!

Or any logo’s or flyers etc …….



I was so pleased to receive these emails so soon after asking for their help I cannot tell you. I think it'd be a lovely thing to throw myself into something like this, see and report on the great work being done by a fantastic local charity, highlight the issues of alcohol and substance misuse on the user and their family, and raise them a little cash in doing so.

Roll on Ash Wednesday!

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Thursday 20 January 2011


OK, I've decided to do this for charity now.  I was shocked by some of the statistics quoted alongside the government's plans to introduce (mildly ineffective) minimum alcohol pricing.

The Reluctant Vegetarian has found me a list of charities with at least some presence in Sheffield.  Any thoughts on whom I should provide money to most welcome!

The List

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